Norwegian-language hardcore band from Oslo with origins in the environment around the Blitz house in Pilestredet, started in the spring of 1985. The people behind the band were Anders Eide (guitar), Harald Tredal (drums) and Dag Rasmussen (bass) - all had a past in Svart Framtid - and Hasse Jørgensen (song) ex Vår Ære Og Vår Makt. After a short time Jo Raknes from Blindt Hat took over the bass job, and with this line-up the group recorded a split EP together with Yugoslavian Proces in 1985. In the spring of the following year, Børre Løvik joined on guitar. He had a past from the legendary Molde band Bannlyst (released the 7-inch «La dem ikke lure deg» and a split tape with Angor Wat, both in 1984) and Psykisk Terror. Later in 1986, he started the band So Much Hate together with mates from Bannlyst, and for several years he played in parallel in the two bands. For a year Stengte Dørre had two guitarists, but in the spring of 1987 Eide was out. They made their album debut in 1988 and Hver dag er en perfect dag was the band's second record. It has never been on CD.
1 Mørkets fyrster
2 Levereglene
3 På flukt
4 White Youth
5 Prøyssermarsjen
6 Du prater
7 Lengsel
8 Hver dag er en perfekt dag
9 Fra utsia og inn
10 Falsk trygghet
11 Feigingen
12 Strebersvinet
13 Du kan sldri
14 Møtet i trappa