Myrland was originally a sailor, but was disabled after an explosion accident in Houston in the USA in the early 1970s. In 1976, he broke through as a cult singer with his socially engaging lyrics and characteristic deep voice on his debut album Isbål . In the years up to and including 1983, Myrland released eight more albums. Then there was silence from Myrland on the record front until 1997, when the compilation album Vante folk - KM Myrland's best was released. It contained 21 of Myrland's most popular songs. Myrland includes the classics «Gammeldans, ærlig country og rock'n'roll» and «Vår sønn».
1 Gammeldans, ærlig country og rock'n'roll
2 Igår og i dag
3 Finkulturens høytaktede svenner
4 Vår sønn
5 Mødre, sjøfolk og vi
6 I en tidlig morgentime
7 Byrden av frihet
8 Om du vil vandre videre
9 Ode til "Heggenstua"
10 Natten, dagen og han