Halvdan's career started in Bodø's pop and rock environment in the 1960s, and he has been one of Norway's most popular singers and entertainers in Norway for well over 40 years. In large parts of the 1980s, he was known, among other things, from the children's program Labbetuss that aired on NRK-TV, and has also been 25% of Gitarkameratene. But as a solo artist he has been consistently good since his album debut in 1973. He released a number of award-winning albums. His music has been used in both film and theatre. Nordaførr is a music album with Halvdan Sivertsen from 1979. The album contains his biggest hit, "Kjærlighetsvisa", which was written after an argument with Halvdan's later spouse Marit Ellisiv Bakken.
1 Nordaførr høstvise
2 F-1
3 Utvandrervisa
4 Barneårsvise
5 Kroppsvisa
6 A & H valgvise
7 Kvinneårsvise
8 Kjærlighetsvisa
9 Skolevisa
10 Nordlandsbanen
11 Julevisa
12 Nordaførr vårvise