Rock band from Bergen, centered around Sven Johan (Dennis) Reksten, born 12/9/1949. Dennis is an icon in the environment around the rock club Garage in Bergen. Most of the musicians in Western Norway have something to thank him for, either as a band member, lighting master, poster hanger, PR man or simply just a friend and supporter. Over the course of a lifetime, he has done what can be done for local rock. Elektrisk Regn was formed in 1978, and was among the earliest to establish a career on its own terms. They played self-composed "New Wave" with Norwegian lyrics, performed in Gatebergen with a unique attitude, and the topics they chose to sing about ranged from drugs ("Hallstein Helskev", "Overdose") to neo-Nazism ("Naboen er nynazist") and biases in society ("Kropp uten sjel"). The music was energetic and rough like punk, but at the same time compact and competent like 70s progressive rock. This almost contradictory composition has been Elektrisk Regn's musical trademark throughout their career. The debut album Steinbyen came in 1982, while the next disc Kropp uten sjel was recorded in 1984. The cast here was Ine Tømmerås, Dennis Reksten, Harald Nilsen, Bjørn Vassbotn and Tom Kogstad.
1 Robot Love
2 Bare en hverdag
3 Haakon den fete
4 16 år
5 The Real Thing
6 La vie moderne
7 Kropp uten sjel
8 Billy