ARILD NYQUIST & TERJE WIIK – TOMME BORD (1981) Arild Nyquist was one of Norwegian contemporary literature's most imaginative and productive writers. In his books, he alternated between naïve, surrealist and satirical styles of writing. Nyquist was an experimental multi-artist who toured as a speaker and musician and exhibited visual art. The musician Arild Nyquist released a number of records and toured as a rock singer with his own band. Tomme bord is the duo's third album and was released in 1981.
1 Beinknekk'ern
2 På legevakta
3 Stille i Asker
4 Han Narve sa
5 Adjøss farvel
6 Rust ned
7 Tomme bord
8 Rulleskøyter
9 Byen som jeg elsker
10 Ruslevise
11 På fest
12 Kapital-list
13 Våren hilser
14 Melankolsk nattvise